grade of fuel bren`s

топливо марки bren`s

To increase the lubricity of diesel fuel, Brandtoplivo has developed and produces a special brand of Katalgen KD (1:10,000) additive. The additive has an increased dosage of 1 liter per 10,000 liters of fuel, which is due to the content of tribotechnical components in its composition.


To increase the lubricity of diesel fuel, Brandtoplivo has developed and produces a special brand of Katalgen KD (1:10,000) additive. The additive has an increased dosage of 1 liter per 10,000 liters of fuel, which is due to the content of tribotechnical components in its composition.

The natural lubricating ability of diesel fuel is provided by the presence of sulfur compoun ds and heavy fractions of paraffins in it. According to environmental requirements, modern diesel fuel contains no more than 10 ppm of sulfur in its composition and is also produced in winter by dewaxing, a technology that allows to lower the solidification temperature of diesel fuel by removing heavy fractions of paraffins.

As a result, the engines are operated on " dry " diesel fuel and this leads to premature wear of the parts of the fuel equipment units that receive lubrication due to the incoming fuel.

The natural lubricating ability of diesel fuel is provided by the presence of sulfur compoun ds and heavy fractions of paraffins in it. According to environmental requirements, modern diesel fuel contains no more than 10 ppm of sulfur in its composition and is also produced in winter by dewaxing, a technology that allows to lower the solidification temperature of diesel fuel by removing heavy fractions of paraffins.

As a result, the engines are operated on " dry " diesel fuel and this leads to premature wear of the parts of the fuel equipment units that receive lubrication due to the incoming fuel.

conventional fuel

fuel with Katalgen® KD additive (1:10 000))

additional lubrication in the fuel composition increases the service life of the units by 40%

premature wear of the rubbing surfaces of the
fuel pump parts and pump injectors

tribotechnical composition reduces adhesion and prevents metal

conventional fuel

premature wear of the rubbing surfaces of the fuel pump parts and pump injectors

additional lubrication in the fuel composition increases the service life of the units by 40%

fuel with Katalgen® KD additive (1:10 000)

tribotechnical composition reduces adhesion and prevents metal deformation


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